
Council and MPs unite to solve ferry problems

They may be divided on many issues, but the Isle of Wight’s councillors have come together to send a signal that the status quo for the Island’s ferry services can no longer be an option.

Signalling a united political response to the longstanding problems with the Island’s two main ferry operators, councillors of all political parties and independents have unanimously signed up to support the Islanders’ charter, which outlines key principles aimed at improving ferry services for the Island’s residents, businesses, economy and visitors. The news follows a troubled week of cross-Solent travel, with both operators having vessels out of service during the busy half-term break.

The Islanders’ Charter was published in December, supported by the Island’s MPs, Richard Quigley (Labour, IW West) and Joe Robertson (Conservative, IW East), together with Independent IW Council Leader, Phil Jordan. Through the charter they challenged the ferry operators to consider fundamental changes to their business models.

Meanwhile, troubled ferry operator, Red Funnel, is reportedly in exclusive discussions with private equity company, Real Asset Investment Management (RAIM), over its potential acquisition. Red Funnel’s CEO, Fran Collins, told local media last week that she was open to discussions on the charter either “directly or via the Transport Infrastructure Board”, but there has been no response from RAIM, who also received a copy of the document.
Mr Robertson said: “There is an open door to the ferry companies to engage with the aims of the charter. It is not a list of unreasonable demands, but a set of basic principles that would better serve Island residents and, importantly, would provide a stronger chance of success for any potential owner of Red Funnel. I very much welcome this show of unanimous support for the Charter’s aims from our Isle of Wight councillors.”

Adding to the pressure, questions are now being raised about the role of the Transport Infrastructure Board (TIB), which the Council set up in 2017. IW Council Leader, Phil Jordan, added: “Some concerning information surrounding the TIB’s structure and role has recently come to light. I am currently discussing its future with the Island’s two MPs.”

Mr Quigley welcomed the councillors’ unanimous support for the Islanders’ Charter, saying, “This is an issue that transcends party politics, proving that the stakes for our community are far too high for divisions. The TIB is clearly not doing what it is supposed to do – that must include holding ferry and other transport operators to account for continued failure. At present, it is clearly not doing that. Something has to change.”

See tomorrow’s IW Observer – for the first part of our investigation into the Transport Infrastructure Board

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