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The former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and former Chairman of the BBC, Sir David Clementi, has said that any potential buyer of Red Funnel should engage with Islanders and declare whether they accept the Islanders’ Charter. 

Sir David, who has had a home on the Isle of Wight for more than 25 years, has spoken out in favour of the Charter, which outlines what Isle of Wight residents expect when it comes to the service and accountability provided by cross-Solent ferry operators.

The Charter, which aims to put across a unified stance, was published back in December and spearheaded by Joe Robertson MP and Richard Quigley MP, as well as the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, Councillor Phil Jordan. It outlines the best way forward in terms of transparency, reliability, fair pricing, service standards and future investment.

In an open letter to the press, the British business executive has flagged up the lack of response or commitment from Red Funnel to date in respect of the Charter.

Sir David has said:

“As we know, the Red Funnel level of service between the mainland and the Island has deteriorated over the last few years, and investment in a new fleet is needed.

“If, as is heavily rumoured, Red Funnel is talking to a new financial buyer, it is important that any such buyer engages with those who live on the Island, making clear whether they accept the expectations set out in the Charter.

“To ignore the Charter, as Red Funnel seems to have done, would suggest that they care little what customers think. Any possible buyer has a chance to correct that impression.

“If a buyer has a business instinct, and not just a financier’s concern with financial returns, it would surely want to engage and to learn what the customers and their elected representatives think”.

In response, Fran Collins, CEO at Red Funnel, has said:

“We take our responsibilities as a lifeline provider to the Isle of Wight extremely seriously and are committed to working collaboratively and openly with our customers, stakeholders and island representatives. However, we are disappointed that Red Funnel was neither consulted with, nor engaged with at any point during the development or release of the Island Charter, and nor have we had any direct contact regarding it since its publication was brought to our attention via the media.

“We are committed to continuing to support the Isle of Wight for the future, and remain open to discussing the Charter, both directly or via the Transport Infrastructure Board.”

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