Advertising Standards Authority Complaint Process

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We all share the collective frustration regarding the Wightlink slogan, “Bringing People Together.” It feels particularly incongruous given the reduced timetables, unreliable services, and inflated prices we’ve all endured since the pandemic.

These issues directly impede islanders, families, those needing urgent medical care, and potential tourists, essentially keeping them apart – the antithesis of their slogan.

We believe filing a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a crucial step.

Our aim is to compel Wightlink to alter their misleading slogan and, ideally, improve their services. Any positive PR generated from this action is a welcome bonus.

We urge all of you to spend 2 minutes to file your own complaint through the simple guide. While there’s no guarantee the ASA will uphold the complaint, we believe our collective action will send a powerful message.

We hope this will lead to positive changes, justice for the island, our community, tourists, and everyone who cherishes our beautiful island.

Thank you for your dedication and support in this endeavour.

The WUG Committee